Cigar smoking is a past time that is enjoyed by all different kinds of people, from rich celebrities and sports heroes, to the average joe. Cigar smoking can be a relaxing way to end the day and unwind. If you are new to smoking cigars, you are probably not aware of the proper way to light up a cigar. If a cigar is not lit properly, it can cause the cigar to be damaged, ruined, or the flavor diminished. The first step in learning how to properly light your cigar is to first pick out a proper lighter.
For the best flavor and results, always preheat the foot of the cigar first. You'll do this by gently and slowly rolling the cigar at an angle above the flame without allowing the flame to actually touch the cigar. This will prep your cigar for the following steps.
Take a cigar cutter and use it cut the cap located on the head of the cigar. There are several different types of cutters you can use, and each one will provide a different smoking experience. The cut made by the cutters is the part of the cigar that will be put in your mouth. You can use a guillotine cutter, a wedge cutter, or a bullet cutter to cut the cap.
Once the cap has been cut you are ready to light the cigar. Ignite your flint lighter and hold it in one hand as the flame is burning. Take the cigar in your hand and place your thumb, index finger, and middle finger on the cigar. Put the cigar head in your mouth and hold it in place firmly. Put the foot of the cigar slightly above the lighter flame. Start rotating the cigar and puff on it. It will take about half a minute before the outer edges of the cigar start to glow and the smoke draws out easily.
You can now smoke your cigar for as long as you like. Remember that smoking it too fast will make it very hot and will alter the taste. If you smoke too slowly, it will go out and you'll have to go through the lighting process again.
For the best flavor and results, always preheat the foot of the cigar first. You'll do this by gently and slowly rolling the cigar at an angle above the flame without allowing the flame to actually touch the cigar. This will prep your cigar for the following steps.
Take a cigar cutter and use it cut the cap located on the head of the cigar. There are several different types of cutters you can use, and each one will provide a different smoking experience. The cut made by the cutters is the part of the cigar that will be put in your mouth. You can use a guillotine cutter, a wedge cutter, or a bullet cutter to cut the cap.
Once the cap has been cut you are ready to light the cigar. Ignite your flint lighter and hold it in one hand as the flame is burning. Take the cigar in your hand and place your thumb, index finger, and middle finger on the cigar. Put the cigar head in your mouth and hold it in place firmly. Put the foot of the cigar slightly above the lighter flame. Start rotating the cigar and puff on it. It will take about half a minute before the outer edges of the cigar start to glow and the smoke draws out easily.
You can now smoke your cigar for as long as you like. Remember that smoking it too fast will make it very hot and will alter the taste. If you smoke too slowly, it will go out and you'll have to go through the lighting process again.
About the Author:
Drew is a consultant for an online specialty cigar lighters store and has expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including butane lighters.
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