Monday, December 17, 2012

Are You Looking for a Good Shisha flavor?

By John McCree

Would you like a shisha flavor that suits your taste? In this post, we will talk about how you can find and buy the right kind of shisha flavor for yourself.

Hookahs are used to smoke flavorful tobacco, mostly referred to as "shisha". Present day shisha consists of all or some of the following things:

1. Tobacco

2. Treacle (uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar)

3. Honey

4. Sugar

5. Molasses

6. Glycerin

7. Nicotine

8. Dried Fruit

9. Distilled Water

The hookah smokers prefer the common fruity flavors such as apple, banana or mango. But, there are a lot of new and creative flavors available in the market like Starbuzz's "Blue Mist". Most of the new flavors use a fruit flavor as the base. For example, Blueberry Muffin or Pink Lemonade obviously have their roots in a fruity base.

Owing to the improved production procedures, it has become quite simple to add flavors to shisha and therefore a wide range of flavors is available out there. The dried tobacco, glycerin, and sweetener can be combined with essentially any ingredients to create unique flavors.

Social Smoking

Hookah is commonly shared in a social setting where the smokers may gather for pleasant conversation and to enjoy the scent generated by the flavored shisha smoke. As hookahs grew in popularity throughout the Middle East centuries ago, it became common to find them in drinking and eating establishments. Nowadays, you can find hookahs even in the homes of many people.

A great deal of the increasing popularity of shisha can be credited to the flavor and calming effect of the smoke. People smoke hookah in social gatherings with the main purpose of socializing with friends and not out of addiction. While cigarettes provide more of a "quick fix" having a potent dose of nicotine and a usually annoying odor, a flavorful hookah session may last 60 minutes or longer, and shisha does not have near the addictive characteristics as cigarettes.

Getting the Most Flavor from Your Hookah

No rocket science here, but some good common sense and discipline can go a long way when it comes to getting the most out of your hookah. For starters, cleaning and maintaining your device properly is essential. You must wash your hookah meticulously using warm water after each use.

To have a longer and smoother smoking session, you should ensure that the charcoal does not burn up the tobacco. The tobacco should not get stuck to the foil, better still, the tobacco should not even touch the aluminum foil. When you're packing the bowl, leave some millimeters between the top of your tobacco and the plane created by the rim of the bowl. So that when you wrap the foil, there is distance between the tobacco and the aluminum foil. Putting two toothpicks over the tobacco in a cross is a good way to prevent the foil from touching the tobacco. Additionally, when "packing" the bowl, don't pack the tobacco down firmly. A loose mound of tobacco that will allow the air to pass through it is excellent. Doing so, you will be able to get a flavorful hit without needing to strongly puff on the hose. If desired you may even use two sheets of foil to help prevent against overheating. Don't burn the shisha and you'll be able to enjoy a smooth and long session of smoking.

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