Friday, April 15, 2011

Fix 3 Red Rings On My Xbox 360

By Phil McIlroy

"I have 3 red rings on my Xbox 360!" Have you ever screamed that either out loud or in our head? Right in the middle of your game, the last thing you want to have to contend with is an error that keeps freezing your system. I think we can all agree that playing games is much more fun than fixing these ridiculous errors. Even though it doesn't make it any easier, it is actually a pretty common problem.

You need to discover a fix for your Xbox sooner, rather than down the road. Not only will you be doing more damage to your machine by waiting, but your mental health with also suffer when your games keep freezing. This is one of those problems that will not fix itself if you continue to ignore it.

Most people take the usual step of contacting Microsoft. After all, it's their machine, software and they should know everything, right? They will have you send your machine into them, so they can have their so-called experts fix it for you at your expense. Unfortunately, if you go out to different forums, you'll read all about people who spent $120 to have it fixed and then they have the same problem a few weeks later.

Of course, you have the right to attempt to fix the system yourself. One way that you can do this is by adding an external cooler. This helps to keep the system cool, and in turn avoid this error. Some people claim that this works; others say that it has led to even more issues.
If you search for information online you should be able to find some tips and useful advice. You may even be able to find a software program that helps you diagnose the problem and settle on a solution.

I have 3 red rings on my Xbox 360 and they are not going away! The next time you say this to yourself should be the last time. Rather than continue to hope that the problem disappears you need to follow this advice so that you can find a solution.

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