Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tattoos Of Angels And Baby Angel Tattoos

By Darren Hartley

Tattoos of angels are extremely sacred, symbolic and vital in many religions, including the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faith. Angels, in general, are considered messengers oF God and guardian angels, in particular, are looked upon as protectors from the devil. The word angelic is derived from its Greek origin meaning messenger.

Sacred tattoos of angels take on different meanings when inked on men and women. On women, they symbolize harmony and serenity from within while on men, they represent a link to the higher self. Angelic tattoo designs are many and varied but the more popular ones include angels in stunning winged form, hovering, sitting on a cloud or near a cloud, holding a harp or a trumpet.

It is ordinary to see floating angels as part of the design for tattoos of angels because angels are seen as caring individuals. The floating imagery is a reiteration of their protecting nature. Angel wings are a variation of the angelic tattoo designs that is very common among tattoo lovers.

Perfect beauty is the representation that baby angel tattoos give. These designs carry symbolic meanings ranging from protection from evil to Christianity to spirituality. A need to be close to God is exemplified by persons who choose a baby angel design.

Parents can proclaim their unconditional love to their children in the form of baby angel tattoos. By including a self-portrait of their child in the image of an angel in the design, they acknowledge their receipt of an irreplaceable blessing from God. The inclusion of the name, the hand or foot prints of the child in the design is a variation to the design that is gaining popularity among parents.

Parents with both a boy and girl for children, can opt to portray them as two angels in the design of baby angel tattoos. They can be depicted as facing each other, holding hands or praying together, with a halo over their heads. A large angel may be included in the design to symbolize a provider of protection and guidance.

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