Sunday, May 20, 2012


By Jake Alexandre

Hormones play an important role in a man's life as they affect many factors and processes in his body. The general term for male hormones is called androgen. The primary, most dominant and well known male hormone is called Testosterone. Some other less important hormones in a male's body are dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione. Testosterone is important for a man's health and well being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis.

Testosterone is the principal male hormone which secretes in the testicles of males and is produced from endocrine tissue, found within the testes, whose growth is caused by luteinizing hormone. Other hormones; DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) and DHEA-S (a type of DHEA) are what produce testosterone. It is the most powerful naturally occurring sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.

It is testosterone that causes the development of male sex characteristics. It plays a vital role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate. It also promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as a deep voice and a beard. They strengthen muscle tone and bone mass resulting in increased muscle, bone mass, as well as is responsible for the growth of body hair. It also maintains sperm tubules and is responsible for rapid growth of bones during puberty.

Some of natural uses of testosterones are sperm development which is necessary to normal sperm progress which activates genes promoting differentiation of spermatogonia. Testosterone is also accountable for regulating acute hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) response under dominance challenge. It is also is in charge for upholding muscle trophism hence regulating cognitive and physical energy. Testosterone also regulates the population of thromboxane receptors on megakaryocytes and platelets which causes platelet aggregation in humans.

Good health in men has been related to high levels of testosterone since it is known to lessen the possibilities of high blood pressure and heart attack. But it is also known to show a relationship with dangerous behaviors like increased aggressiveness or smoking.

Testosterones in males also affect a man's romantic relationship as well as fatherhood as falling in love decreases testosterone level of a man while increasing women's testosterone levels. It is believed that it is due to this reason there occurs a temporary decrease of differences of behavior between the sexes. But after 1-2 years into a relationship this lowered level of testosterone is no longer apparent. Becoming a father also decreases men's testosterone levels which results in emotional and behavioral changes promoting paternal care.

Like women, men also have hormone cycle. The difference between the two is that male hormone cycle doesn't last a long period of time of a month like in women as their cycle completes in a day that is within 24 hours. Male hormone cycle depends on how testosterone influence on them. On average, an adult male makes about ten times more testosterone than an adult female. Male testosterone level is highest in the morning when he wakes up and gets lower and lower as the day passes by.

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