Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Maintain your Freshwater Aquarium Plants Healthy in 6 Easy Steps

By Kent Henry

Adding plants to your aquarium will enhance the appearance of your tank. Always bear in mind that the main purpose of an aquarium is to provide food and shelter for your fish.

Plants also help maintain the ph balance of the water.

Looking after and setting up a freshwater aquarium is not complicated. But, there are daily tasks needed in order to keep it clean and environmentally fresh.

Your selection of freshwater aquarium plants is as important as your selection of fish.

The plants must complement the fish. This means they must not harm the fish in any way. There are a variety of plants that are suited to growing in a freshwater aquarium.

Plants are not only used to improve the appearance of a freshwater aquarium but they must also contribute to the optimum health of your fish. There is nothing less pleasing to see an aquarium filled with beautiful plants but marred with sickly fish with no energy.

If you would like to start your own freshwater aquarium, there are two types to choose from; personally selected freshwater and package plant. Package plants are pre-selected choice of plants that will make your aquarium a wonderful water wonderland.

You can see pictures, reviews and information of aquarium in the internet, book s or other websites. These were posted by some people to set their freshwater plants for people whose planning to have their own freshwater aquarium.

When it comes in creating your beautiful freshwater aquarium, you must not put lot of plants inside. This will just overcrowd your fish tank.

It is always better to consult a pet store supply for types of plants and prices and which would be best for your fish. There are many plants suggested that you can look into and from there, decide which would you think is best for your particular environment. Some of them are listed below.

Upon buying plants, seek advice to your pet supply store on what would be the ideal type of plants you can gave that can complement to your fish. The following are the freshwater plants you can choose: downoi or "Little Star (Pogostemon Helferi), Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus), Dwarf Sag (Sagittaria subulata), Water Cover (Marsilea Hirsute) and Floating Watermoss (Salvina Natans).

We should take good care of our aquarium plants. Maintaining them to be healthy is the top priority. Below are steps on how to maintain and take good care of them. 1. Giving them sufficient light by artificial lighting. Most tanks have lightning set up and it has holes pre-drilled to set up lightning. Placing your tank near the window can give extra lighting. 2. Check the plants regularly to ensure that the roots will not come loose. Fish sometimes loosen the plants from the soil resulting for the plant to die. 3. Never over crowd the aquarium with plants. Overcrowding will make the plants and fish to struggle. Space is a sufficient need to each plant to draw nutrients from the soil. 4. Emulate the environment to the plants original environment. Considering the climate for the chance of survival of the plant. 5. Avoid introducing diseased plants to your aquarium. If it happens, the diseased plant might infect other plants. 6. Buy your aquarium plants from a reputable dealer. This is to ensure that your aquarium plants will be healthy to have an excellent chance of survival.

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