Monday, January 9, 2012

Smart Organic Gardening Ideas For A Healthier Garden!

By Stu Lee

In order for you to have a successful organic garden, you will need to take really good care of it. A little extra gardening know-how doesn't hurt either. This can help you grow tastier and happier produce. Use this advice to take your organic garden to the next level.

Do you want to know how to kill weeds in a natural way? Layer sheets of newspaper on the surface of areas where you are trying to control weeds. Weeds need sunlight to grow. With layers of newspaper on them, the weeds are not going to have light, and therefore will not grow. It's easy for newspapers to break down over an extended period of time, making them great for compost. You can then add a mulch layer right on top so that it looks more attractive.

Be particular when selecting the plants you will include in the organic garden. You will need to cultivate specific environments for various vegetables and plants. Even with roses, the varieties available will mean that you may not be successful with any one type. Make sure that you find varieties that fit into your gardening situation.

When watering your garden, a soaker hose may be your best bet. You can direct the water to the roots, and let it seep slowly. These hoses don't use as much water as a sprinkler does and are much more convenient than watering plants by hand.

Water containing some aspirin helps your plants fight illness. One and a half aspirin, dissolved in two gallons of water, can be a great addition to your plants. The simple practice of spraying them with the mix will help them fight off diseases. The spray ought to be applied approximately every three weeks.

The optimal amount of organic mulch to use in your flower beds is 2-3 inches. Mulch discourages weeds and helps retain moisture while adding nutrients to your flower bed. As an added bonus, a nice mulch can help make your garden look more finished.

If you have been thinking about getting into gardening, you should first learn how to lay the foundation. To begin this process, cut under the turf and leave a space open. With the turf placed outside, cover the scalped area with fine wood chips. Leave it to settle for a couple of weeks and then you will be able to plant within it.

When adding a new tree or shrub to your garden, remember that a ragged planting hole is best. If the sides of the hole you dug is packed hard by the shovel, the roots of your plant may have difficulty penetrating the surrounding soil.

Organic gardening is much in the news, but is not really new. This is the way people gardened before chemical products were invented. The pilgrims saw the Indians' squash and corn and beans flourishing, and learned from them to place fish in the ground as a fertilizer. To help your organic garden along, you should start the previous year by making a compost pile. Composting is an easy way to recycle and reduce the amount of trash you must dispose of, in addition to helping your garden.

You can get fertilizer by making compost from scratch. You can do this easily by setting up a worm composting bin. Place red wiggler worms inside your bin accompanied with dirt, kitchen scraps and shreds of newspaper.

Tend your organic garden on a regular schedule. There are certain little things to help you keep up with your garden, even if you don't have the necessary time each day to do everything. If you put the dog outside, weed a few spots in the garden while your dog goes to the bathroom.

Open your mind to the diverse environments that can be created in your garden space. Wildlife will be attracted by different varieties of plants, so make sure you have a wide choice for them. To create a more natural environment, plant many different kinds of plants. If you are able to achieve this, you will have a garden that is a pleasant place to be around and relax, and also you get great satisfaction from knowing you did your part for the environment.

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