Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Are Lamaze Baby Toys?

By Samantha Summer

Picking up toys for babies is always an exciting experience. It feels like being a kid once again. It might also get some of us confused on which toys to pick up from a number of baby toys to choose from. When giving baby toys to a child, there are a number of things that must be taken into consideration. One should consider picking up a toy that is age-appropriate, safe, would help in developing the child's abilities and senses and a toy that would aid in his learning process even at a very early age.

This is where Lamaze baby toys are known for. These toys are designed and created basing on the infant's three stages of development. Infant development is divided into three including:

1. Awakening the senses is the first stage.

2. Second stage is exploring and experimenting.

3. Moving and doing is the third stage.

The Lamaze baby toys are designed and created in cooperation with two psychologists from Yale University, Jerome and Dorothy Singer. Although they claim to be created based on the three stages of a baby's development, they do not supply academic research that can back their claim up regarding the suitability of these toys. Instead, they provide parents an opportunity to easily select which toy stage is appropriate for their child and their child's development. Another good thing is that, whenever someone buys from Lamaze toys, part of the proceeds is allotted to be spent in more studies and research about kid's development.

Lamaze baby toys not only passed the US quality standards, they also passed China's quality standards ensuring buyers that the product that they buy for babies and children are high-quality and safe to use. Toys that are high-quality and safe to use are of utmost importance to most parents thus picking up Lamaze toys will give buyers the satisfaction of knowing that they are passed 2 quality standards from 2 different countries. Not only that, Lamaze also provides a budget for future studies and research and they get this budget whenever someone buys Lamaze toys, percentage of that price is budgeted for study and research of child and baby's development.

These toys are also proven to catch the interest of your baby since they have features that most babies find interesting. These features include:

Same with other toys, Lamaze baby toys are interesting and eye-catching for children and babies because of different features. Some of the features are:

2. Because of the baby's inability to hold things very well, having a baby toy that is easy to hold and grab is important. Lamaze toys typically has easy to grab and easy to hold handles that will help in avoiding dropping the toys.

3. Lamaze baby toys are safe to play with because of their soft features.

4. These toys also has rings that serves as teethers for babies to bite and chew on that will help in relieving gum pains especially for babies that has started teething already.

5. These toys are made with the concept to put details in each toy that will invoke interest in babies and children.

Making your child's learning and development a priority is very significant since this is one of the major factors that will aid in shaping your child's future. Choosing an expensive but high-quality toys may be an extravagant parents may sometimes think that choosing cheaper toys for your child will have little to no difference but keep in mind that choosing the right kind of toys for your babies as early as possible is a good investment that will enhance the learning and development of your child and these learning and knowledge that they will acquire is a good tool in facing their future as individuals.

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