Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some Thoughts on Planning Your Retirement

By Hugo H. Cercil

As you go into retirement, you need to ensure that you plan to stay active. I have heard it said many times, anything less might not make the experience worthwhile. But if you are able to get it up and keep it up, you'll have stories to tell, and you will find a lot of younger people who will be happy to listen to all that you have to say. That's how to live out a retirement.

Please, long before you retire, you will do well to put some investments in place to cater to your old age and retirement. It is only wise, because you don't want to depend on social services then, I tell you. It is bad for your sense of worth anyway, to have to depend on others because you could not cater well enough for yourself. What does that say about you?

If you have a grandma that has just retired, you need to help her understand that she keeps on slowing down because she is doing nothing. Tell her the pains will not go away until she begins to do something about it despite retirement... then help her to her feet and take her for a walk. She won't be so grumpy then. This usually happens without adequate planning.

Even if only for a short walk, you need to step out of the house every single day of your retirement. Those little efforts that you make are what are saving you from giving in to arthritis, and you don't know it. Keep it up now, will you? Afterall, you do want to be your own person and not a burden to somebody else.

There are way too many things to do in your home in the first place. There is no reason why you should waste away simple because you retired. Beyond your home, you could even go to the city, the state, the world! Whatever you do, just don't stop, because when you do, old age will really catch up to you. I'm telling you, you don't want that.

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