Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Making The Hookah Tobacco Bowl

By Max Collins

One of the key conisderations to taking pleasure in a great shisha is preparing the tobacco right. We will cover all of the steps needed to make a fantastic tobacco bowl.

Pick a flavor you want to try. If you selected a flavor you didn't like, it is easy to recycle it by combining it with another shisha tobacco. If the newly mixed tobacco is intolerable, save the liquid from the tobacco to moisturize dried out tobacco you have around. There are many varieties of hookah tobacco for sale which range from affordable to more costly brand names. They also come in a range of sizes: 50g to 1kg. The more costly brands generally taste much better and smoke for a longer period of time.

As soon as you have picked your shisha tobacco, you will have to prepare it. To do so, take a paper towel and lay it down onto your table. Now take a small handful of shisha tobacco from the packaging and place it on of the paper towel. Fold the paper towel over the shisha tobacco. Slightly press on the enclosed shisha tobacco to suck up most of the fluid, so that your tobacco will not burn too rapidly. Additionally, it prevents the juices from going down the stem of your shisha and into your water jar. Next, place your hookah tobacco in your bowl. The easiest way to do that, would be to separate the tobacco into little pieces and putting them in the bowl.

You should always pack enough hookah tobacco in the bowl so that it goes over the top of the bowl by a touch. This makes a dome so that charcoal can sit on the edge of the bowl. This will increase your smoking time, and allow you to use more charcoals on your bowl. When your bowl is filled, cover it using a sheet of aluminum foil. Fix the aluminum foil around the the bowl. Make use of a pointy object, like a pin to punch holes onto the aluminum foil. Make lots of holes so that the top of your bowl looks like a showerhead. This technique allows maximum airflow when smoking, which will provide you the greatest shisha smoking experience.

Once you will have completed making the bowl, store the tobacco in an airtight box or zip lock. It's a good idea to store the shisha tobacco in the fridge. Doing this will guaranty that your hookah tobacco stays fresh for a long period.The final stage is lighting the charcoal and setting it onto your bowl. Once the charcoal is lit up, put it on the bowl so the edge of the charcoal is sitting on the rim, instead of in the middle of your bowl. Doing so will enable you to use many charcoals for a single hookah bowl. It is suggested to make use of one standard coal at once.

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