Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'll Tell You Why I Sell Gun T-Shirts

By William Thatcher

The world is a frightening place, my friend. Chaos reigns abroad and people are being treated as objects all over the world. Despite being the 'Land of the Free', even Americans are not immune to this type of treatment. However, the misused and abused are no where near as terrorized in this country as they are in others, nor is the turmoil nearly so widespread. This is because we have guns, my friends. There are enough guns in the United States for every single person who lives here to hold one in their hands. This is why I make gun t-shirts, friends.

Guns mean the difference between an occasional accident happening, and people coming from town to town with rifles to force our children into military service while hacking off the hands of people who disagree. Guns mean that when people riot in the streets, they will not come into our homes and violate our lives with their chaos and anarchy. Guns mean that our daughters are safe from rape and our sons are safe from terror. This is why I support my 2nd Amendment rights and I make gun t-shirts.

I have always known that guns were important. I always had a love of their history and of the details of their manufacture and mechanics. It wasn't until a burglar came into our home when I was an early teen that made me understand the deterrence a gun can afford to a citizen. When I heard the tinkle of broken glass, I ran back into my mother's room and locked us in. My mom did not hesitate to yell out that she would shoot the burglar if she had to. The bluff worked and the man left quickly. We might not have had a gun then, but we had one the very next day and for all the days that followed. This level of protection is why I must make gun t-shirts.

What many anti-gun protestors don't understand, is that guns are part of our pact with freedom. We have never had to endure an invading force because there are so many guns in the United States, that we can be turned from 280 million citizens into 280 million soldiers overnight. We owe a great debt to the people who created this country from a few struggling colonies and turned it into a world leader in less than 150 years. As far as powerful societies go, that is some speedy growth...and part of that is due to the protection we have seen from gun ownership. That's why I sell these gun t-shirts.

I do not make these gun t-shirts because I think they will earn me a quick buck. I make them because I am proud of a long-standing tradition in America of being allowed to protect ourselves against all perceived threats. Most other countries see us as maniacs shooting our weapons into the air and killing whoever makes us mad. The reality is that we are a country that has been understood to be able to handle the heavy responsibility of gun ownership. You know what? The vast majority of us know how to accept that responsibility and treat guns with the respect they demand. I am proud of what I do and of the gun I carry.

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