Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Best RIFT Platinum Guide

By Britney Dehoyos

In most massively multi-player online games, players do not have a good knowledge of the vocations. But the professions are very important for a character. They should know well of the professions so that they can choose a good profession. According to the players, mining, butchery and foraging are the three good professions. The RIFT players can take all of the three professions.

I have found three ways to make platinum in RIFT. You can make money by looting the monsters and then you can sell things to the vendors or you can also sell the items in the auction house. I will talk about them separately. How can you loot everything? In the game, you will need to kill the monsters and get their conceals or take the items drop from them.

Sometimes, you can get some RIFT platinum form the monster. The items and weapons can be dropped by the monsters too. With the mining profession, you can extract ores from lodes. The ores are very precious items that needed by most of the players. You can sell the ores in the auction firm for a lot of RIFT platinum. The foraging profession can help you gather plants and wood logs.

You can save sometime if you sell the items to the vendors. The vendors are located in many places of the game. But you will sell for less. It is known to the players that they can earn more RIFT Platinum if they sell things in the auction house. Some players will also sell to the suppliers in order to save time. Always keep your bags empty so that they can hold more valuable items.

The three gathering professions can help you a lot when you are new in the game. You will need to invest no money in the gathering professions. You can depend on them to gather items and materials from the mass world of RIFT. There are some other professions you should also get to know. I am going to introduce you some other professions in my next article.

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