Monday, November 26, 2012

Save All The Things an Ride a Commuter Bike

By Eric Santucci

The American economy has seen better days, and as such, countless Americans are employing money saving strategies. One such strategy involves employing alternative methods of travel instead of driving oneself everywhere. A lot of working men and women have embraced carpooling to save money that would otherwise go to filling up their own gas tanks. Others have committed to using public transportation to get them where they have to go. The most beneficial driving alternative, however, is riding a commuter bike.

In the United States, the cost of a gallon of gas is $4.00. Anyone can see how this can quickly add up. Oil reserves are decreasing, which means that the price of gas will continue to increase. It's simple supply and demand. And because public transportation also replies on gas, the price of bus passes and the like is also increasing. Commuter bikes, also known as road bikes, can cost anywhere from $800 to a couple thousand dollars. However, the cost-benefit analysis still shows you save time and money when you travel by bike.

Recent studies have shown that people who ride to work, or anywhere really, verses people who travel by automobile are happier as well as healthier individuals. Car travel can be stressful to most drivers with all the traffic and congestion on the roads. On the other hand bike travel is relatively peaceful and allows for the rider to have time to think. Traveling by bike also requires that the rider sits down and thinks about how they spend their time because biking increases travel time, and riders need to allocate a certain amount of time to the bike journey lest they arrive late.

Commuter bikes are not just good for the wallet; they are also good for the planet and personal health. Bike riding translates to fewer emissions. The United States Environmental Protection Agency stated that pedaling one mile saves about one pound of carbon dioxide. Moreover, utilizing a commuter bike is a built-in exercise routine. A commuter bike will get you where you need to go while helping to get into, or stay in shape.

The most cost-effective option when striving to save money is implementing travel with a commuter bike. You not only save hundreds of dollars that you would have spent on gas, but you also learn to efficiently budget your time. Besides that, you increase your activity by incorporating a workout into your daily routine, and at the same time you lessen you carbon foot print. However, you must make sure that you would actually benefit from commuting by bike. If you live in a place that does not readily lend itself to bike travel, then you should seek another option.

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