Governments all over the world do not have such a tight leash on fake items. So, it is your job to guard yourself from those sellers who will be taking advantage of you. Therefore, allow this article to provide you with the guidance you need. Develop that attitude of being critical than ever.
Make sure that it is not wrapped in plastic foils. Authentic Chanel bags are made of unique materials which means that they can be damaged when wrapped in this manner. Thus, that simple detail already gives these fake sellers away. Simply continue sticking to your high standards at this point.
You need to see diamond or square stitches all over these items. The tightness of the stitches will have to be considered in that situation too. With this feature, you can be assured that this bag will not give up on you anytime and they can be perfect for all the travels which you have in mind. Do not be restricted with what you shall place in them.
There is a great mismatch on the hardware that is being used. This part can only be gold or silver. If they are a combination of both, you possess a fake bag in your hands. Thus, the importance of a thorough inspection cannot be emphasized enough. Get used to this routine before you go through your list of stores.
Look for the word Italy or France in the Made in tag. Any country that is different from that means that you have to be more serious with the provider which you will be settling for. So, go beyond the logo this time around and try to expand your options especially when there are far much better malls outside of town.
Be certain that all of your options will come with an authenticity card. This may be a small thing for other people but you know that this is the greatest indication that you are about to have the real object. So, make direct demands on this aspect and you can be closer to what you have always wanted.
The cards should be made of plastic with black and gold letters on it. The sticker also has to be intact for you to make sure that this is completely brand new. If you are cool with a secondhand item, just be particular with the condition and double check on the color to check whether it is already fading or not.
Be certain that their price is above the average. However, only invest in the stores which have already proven their worth and who has treated you with the highest level of professionalism. Find friends in these outlets and getting a discount will be easier for you in the near future.
Find a friend who sells real bags and get a discount because of your connections. However, be more concerned on whether these items will last with you or not. Stretch them out if you have to so be with store attendants who will not mind this kind of inspection at all.
Make sure that it is not wrapped in plastic foils. Authentic Chanel bags are made of unique materials which means that they can be damaged when wrapped in this manner. Thus, that simple detail already gives these fake sellers away. Simply continue sticking to your high standards at this point.
You need to see diamond or square stitches all over these items. The tightness of the stitches will have to be considered in that situation too. With this feature, you can be assured that this bag will not give up on you anytime and they can be perfect for all the travels which you have in mind. Do not be restricted with what you shall place in them.
There is a great mismatch on the hardware that is being used. This part can only be gold or silver. If they are a combination of both, you possess a fake bag in your hands. Thus, the importance of a thorough inspection cannot be emphasized enough. Get used to this routine before you go through your list of stores.
Look for the word Italy or France in the Made in tag. Any country that is different from that means that you have to be more serious with the provider which you will be settling for. So, go beyond the logo this time around and try to expand your options especially when there are far much better malls outside of town.
Be certain that all of your options will come with an authenticity card. This may be a small thing for other people but you know that this is the greatest indication that you are about to have the real object. So, make direct demands on this aspect and you can be closer to what you have always wanted.
The cards should be made of plastic with black and gold letters on it. The sticker also has to be intact for you to make sure that this is completely brand new. If you are cool with a secondhand item, just be particular with the condition and double check on the color to check whether it is already fading or not.
Be certain that their price is above the average. However, only invest in the stores which have already proven their worth and who has treated you with the highest level of professionalism. Find friends in these outlets and getting a discount will be easier for you in the near future.
Find a friend who sells real bags and get a discount because of your connections. However, be more concerned on whether these items will last with you or not. Stretch them out if you have to so be with store attendants who will not mind this kind of inspection at all.
About the Author:
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