Friday, November 7, 2014

Guidelines For Buying Wholesale Designer Handbags

By Jamal D White

Designer handbags come in different designs featuring brands of high quality highly durable. This is because of the raw materials and kind of research designers do before coming up with these handbags. Although designer products are normally very costly, a few considerations can make a difference when opting to shop for wholesale designer handbags.

In order to buy a quality handbag while saving you some money, you should consider a few factors. You need to ensure that you are buying the real original designer bags, as many counterfeits resemble the real purses. Consider shopping online from credible websites, which sell original bags. Ensure that you purchase from whole sellers who buy authentic bags especially directly from the designers.

You can also consider shopping from luxury boutiques or department stores who sell authentic designer bags but at a cheaper price. You need to research on different pricing for top sellers before deciding the best deal. Some designers may be offering a discount on purchase of a certain number of wholesale products so keep an eye on this.

It is vital to conduct research on online sellers who offer good sale terms. This will help a lot in saving money. You may sign up for membership with the distributers and subscribe for newsletters for cheaper sale seasons. You can try signing up with wholesalers from specific websites as such websites normally have discounted handbags during certain times.

If buying wholesale handbags for business, market factors such as the target audience should be your major consideration. Ensure you understand what the would-be customers want in terms of fashion and design. A quick survey will present you with an overview on what brands to order in huge numbers depending on the demand. You also have to identify your competitors and find ways of getting more customers.

Another important factor to consider is the quality assurance of the designer handbags. You may be buying cheaper brands that are of lower quality and compromise your business. Likewise, buying handbags from less established designers or suppliers may not necessarily mean that they are of low quality. Some prices are inflated to cater for branding and promotional costs. Inspecting the product before making an order may help solve loss of money. Make sure that the supplier can give you a warranty or replacement service if handbags are torn or damaged.

Some designers may not have the capacity to deliver the ordered number of handbags and this may result into huge losses. Ensure before you pay for a delivery the designer or the distributer has the capacity for delivering in bulk. Always insist that the designers or websites selling handbags meet strict deadlines to know the credible sellers. You may not want to pay then fail to get your order on time.

You should also considering ordering wholesale designer bags from online consignment stores from fashion designers who resell new bags. Consignment stores do sell handbags from people who buy and return them for resale after a few days of usage. You can get quality designer bags at cheaper prices from such stores.

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