Monday, August 12, 2013

Information On How To Establish Garden Hooks

By Andrea Davidson

If you would like to improve your home and outdoors, fixing garden hooks is the perfect way to do it. Deck and patio area can be greatly enhanced by filling a basket with flowers and hanging it. Lanterns, bird feeders and chimes also look beautiful when hanged from a hook. Whichever hook type you decide to use, you can always follow the simple guidelines below to help you get that lovely look into your home.

When fixing a screw-in hook, first select a post which is wooden on which you install the hook. Mark the post using a pencil. Using a drill and drill bit, drill a 2-inch deep hole into the wooden post. The next step is to align the screw-in hook in the pilot hole you have made.

Twist the hook in a clockwise direction in order to thread the hook into the wooden beam. Turn the hook continuously till the threads are all inside the wood. You are supposed to stop turning it when the hook faces in the upward direction so that it is able to hold the hanging plantar firmly in place.

If you would like to fix screw-mounted hooks, start by holding the screw-mounted hook against the selected wooden beam where you wish to install the hook. You should then mark the mounting holes inside the hook using a pencil. After this, drill a pilot hole which should be 1 inch deep into the wooden post at each pencil mark, using a drill together with a 1/16 inch drill bit. Next, with the use of a screw gun, drive the screws which are included in the screw-mounted hanger into the mounting holes within the hanger and into the post.

In case you would like to fix the shepherd's hooks, first begin by choosing a location which is most suitable for you. Using your foot, ensure the ground is well marked. You will now need to ensure alignment of the shepherd's hook bottom side with the initially created mark on the ground.

Then, you will turn the head of the shepherd's hook to be the same as where you would want to have your plants facing. The bottom of the hook should be firmly pushed to the ground as you set the direction of the head. You will reinforce the bottom with your feet after it has gotten to the soil a little just so you are sure it is strong enough.

Your garden needs careful planning and therefore a lot of emphasis should be factored into it. A proper choice of the location for hanging the plants and other items should be put into consideration. In the early and late season days when plants start to have growth or may wither out, plant that are hanged in the garden help in the addition of an in-depth feel and texture to it.

Installing garden hooks and hanging plants can add an exquisite accent to your home. Always remember to wear eye protection when working with tools. This helps to avoid getting injured.

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