Thursday, March 7, 2013

Endurance Racing & How Mobile Gaming Can Fit In

By Rob Sutter

The most interesting thing about mobile gaming is that just about anyone can get into it. These numerous apps have proven to be addictive for just about anyone, regardless of how long they might have played games for. In addition, they are attractive in terms of pricing, since rarely do they go for a premium point. When you consider these factors, as well as a few others, it should be of no surprise that endurance racing could be a fine subject to base another game off of.

When you're playing games on a cellphone - take the popular iPhone, for example - you're not going to be given buttons to work with like you would with typical controllers. Instead, you have to rely solely on the touchscreen which the phone is built around. Sometimes you'll have an overlay of sorts of how to hold it like a controller. Other times, games will be simpler and all that you'll require is a simple swipe across the screen in order to play whatever game you had just downloaded.

When you think about it, these mobile devices could be the perfect platforms for racing games to thrive. After all, you have various titles, "Need for Speed: Most Wanted" amongst them, and it seems like they've done nicely for themselves on the broad mobile market. Some may make the claim that these controls are not exactly up to par with standard buttons but they've worked well, in my experience. Sometimes it's all a matter of learning about the hardware before you start to truly the platform.

So now that we know why mobile gaming is so strong, how could a subject like endurance racing play a part? I think it can do exactly that in an easy manner. You have to consider that the frantic nature of these races have a lot of potential for people to become greatly invested in them. You have to possess the best reflexes and the optimal foresight in order to succeed in whatever dangers show themselves in these events. Events the likes of Spartan Race would feature these qualities, too.

Handheld devices the likes of phones may just be one of the best platforms when it comes to gaming these days. With cheap prices that anyone can afford, it almost seems like they are guaranteed success because there is little risk involved with investing money. It's also important for developers to make back what they put in and since these titles can become popular, it shouldn't be a trial for them. Hopefully more people look at endurance racing and see it as a potential game subject.

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