Saturday, March 30, 2013

Learning The Basic Embroidery Supplies

By Lee Lawrence

Embroidery is a form of art usually on a decorating fabric using thread and needle. To add a decorative appeal on the piece, one may add sequins, semi-precious stones or other decorative materials. Hand embroideries are by far the most sophisticated and intricate form of it. Not everyone is talented enough for it, but if you're up for the challenge then might as well gather some of the basic embroidery supplies.

Hand stitching involves creating the designs by hand into a small piece of cloth or fabric. It could be time consuming and a daunting procedure to say the least however, results are mostly breathtaking. Experts can make intricate embroideries with their hands but if you are a novice, then you should start with a very simple pattern and gradually improve your difficulty level.

Embroidering letters, figures, scripts and quotes is not easy. Indeed, it takes talent, skills and determination to make a single hoop. To start stitching, it is important to have all the necessary materials. While thread is obviously necessary, there are other supplies that are essential for your first try. To start with, find yourself a nice sturdy hoop to snug your cloth.

While a thread is said to be one of the basic, there are other materials that need to be prepared to help you make your own piece of art. To start with, find yourself a good hoop. Hoops are basically one the most important materials as it helps you make an understandable pattern. It keeps the fabric snug enough for you to sew into and trace your chosen pattern.

Needles of course are very important, though they might look the same and probably works the same, it would be better to choose those needles that have a bigger eye. When choosing for the right size, it is essential to pick those that are easy to thread. Keep in mind the thread you are using for the current project. Smaller needles may seem to be easy however, these are the most difficult to thread.

Needles might look the same, and are probably made with the same material but, when choosing for the right needle it is best to consider those needles with larger eyes. Larger eyes have bigger holes and easier to thread, you would not want to test your patience before your even start your pattern by simply threading. Needles with small eyes are just the worst especially when you don't have the perfect version.

Apart from that, several stuffs are important t o keep within reach. This includes your scissors and the pattern that you will be trying to create. When transferring your design, draw the pattern first to your cloth by using a water soluble pen.

This way, your finished product will be more attractive as well as eye catching. Before you start stitching the pattern, it is important and much easier too, to draw the pattern to your cloth and trace the lines with your thread. Use a water soluble pen for that as it disappears when rinsed with water.

Sometimes, the simplest way to create your own art is to have all the necessary embroidery supplies. Your first try may not be that successful however, it takes a little practice to do better.

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