Monday, October 1, 2012

The Practicality Of Baby Diaper Cakes

By Judith Leday

Diaper cakes are so beautifully designed nowadays that they really become the center of attention at any baby shower. For more interesting ideas, you may search on the net which would give you immeasurable options to choose from. Lots of retailers also provide customized diaper cakes that allow you to personalize gifts with the date of birth, the baby's name or initials or other fun items that will make your present even more unique.

While there's a lot of free information available on how to make diaper cakes, it would definitely be more comfortable for you, if you get a comprehensive guide. A diaper cake is a collection of diapers, either disposable or cloth, rolled and stacked to look like a traditional tiered cake, like a wedding cake. Because of the size of the cakes it is usually a gift that is split between a few people.

Using a little imagination, you could make diaper cake gifts extra special by adding a diaper cake poem. You may even make your creativity extend a bit further by matching your baby shower thank you cards and invitations with the same designs and color theme of the cakes. There are cakes suitable for special occasions too, like wedding cakes and Christmas cakes.

Whenever planning to add a diaper cake to the baby shower, find one that fits the parents' personalities best. You may prefer to keep it simple with just the diapers and a personalized printed message to the mom-to-be. Place a larger rubber band around all of the diaper while in the pan, and flip pan over onto the cardboard base.

If the mother-to-be is not yet sure of the sex of the baby you could choose a more neutral color, like yellow. If you choose to make a diaper cake or create your own baby gift basket yourself, you can save a little money. You would see that you can not only use diapers, but also other things like baby socks to create various kinds of results.

If you are looking for a small gift for a baby shower, consider some of these smaller items in attractive packaging, a couple of of baby clothing that will be used over the first year, a couple of smaller toys, or other basics like blankets and sheets. When giving a baby shower gift for a new mom, forget the baby registry. All of these "cakes" share the same great qualities of practicality and unique themes.

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