In case you are thinking of purchasing bags and most probably you are considering the Balenciaga leather bags as an option, you need to know that there are so many fakes out there. Do not be tricked with the copycats. Balenciaga handbags come in numerous designs that can make a buyer not know how to distinguish between a real and a fake one. The good thing about Balenciaga is that there are mundane yet very crucial features you can look at in order to separate the good from the bad.
Do not fall for scammers; be keen on the details whenever purchasing Balenciaga handbags. Inspect closely the material used in the Balenciaga handbag. If you find it very cheap then that could be the warning bells of a fake material. You can easily tell how fake and cheap Balenciaga handbags are even from a distance. Their leather is normally cheap, shiny and stiff unlike the authentic ones that are soft when you touch them.
An authentic Balenciaga leather bag will cave its leather inwards when the bag is empty unlike the fake one. This is because their leather is made to a specific thinness and fineness that you will not find in the counterfeits. A fake Balenciaga hand bag will have stiffened tassels unlike the authentic one whose tassels are soft and hang out loosely.
An authentic Balenciaga handbag is made with tassels on all the zippers, which is not the case with the fake brands. Check closely on those rings that tie the tassels together to ensure they are sealed too. The shoulder straps should be single layered with leather and have tiny spots at its ends. The fake Balenciaga handbags will have a shoulder strap that is double layered with leather.
Look at the general shape too of the Balenciaga bag you intend to buy. It should be rounded and curved. Fake bags will mostly be having a squared shape or appearance. The handles of the bag are a great tip too to help you examine. Original Balenciaga bags have woven leather handles with a natural look. The fake bags will instead have finished leather which in most cases will be shiny.
You have to also consider the lining and also the stitching. The stitching across the top should be black for the authentic Balenciaga leather bags and their lining ought to be black too. Most knockoffs will include a lining that looks the same with the outside of the bag.
Another great tip will be the serial number of the Balenciaga leather bag. The tags of these bags have serial numbers and these tags are usually made into metal on one side and leather on the other side. The serial number should be same in both the back and the front of the tags.
Finally know your Balenciaga handbags outlet that you want to buy from. You should only buy from authorized Balenciaga retail outlets. Some recommended outlets include the Barneys New York and Neiman Marcus.
Do not fall for scammers; be keen on the details whenever purchasing Balenciaga handbags. Inspect closely the material used in the Balenciaga handbag. If you find it very cheap then that could be the warning bells of a fake material. You can easily tell how fake and cheap Balenciaga handbags are even from a distance. Their leather is normally cheap, shiny and stiff unlike the authentic ones that are soft when you touch them.
An authentic Balenciaga leather bag will cave its leather inwards when the bag is empty unlike the fake one. This is because their leather is made to a specific thinness and fineness that you will not find in the counterfeits. A fake Balenciaga hand bag will have stiffened tassels unlike the authentic one whose tassels are soft and hang out loosely.
An authentic Balenciaga handbag is made with tassels on all the zippers, which is not the case with the fake brands. Check closely on those rings that tie the tassels together to ensure they are sealed too. The shoulder straps should be single layered with leather and have tiny spots at its ends. The fake Balenciaga handbags will have a shoulder strap that is double layered with leather.
Look at the general shape too of the Balenciaga bag you intend to buy. It should be rounded and curved. Fake bags will mostly be having a squared shape or appearance. The handles of the bag are a great tip too to help you examine. Original Balenciaga bags have woven leather handles with a natural look. The fake bags will instead have finished leather which in most cases will be shiny.
You have to also consider the lining and also the stitching. The stitching across the top should be black for the authentic Balenciaga leather bags and their lining ought to be black too. Most knockoffs will include a lining that looks the same with the outside of the bag.
Another great tip will be the serial number of the Balenciaga leather bag. The tags of these bags have serial numbers and these tags are usually made into metal on one side and leather on the other side. The serial number should be same in both the back and the front of the tags.
Finally know your Balenciaga handbags outlet that you want to buy from. You should only buy from authorized Balenciaga retail outlets. Some recommended outlets include the Barneys New York and Neiman Marcus.
About the Author:
Looking to find the best deal on balenciaga handbags outlet, then visit my site to find the best advice on brand bags sales for you.
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