Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where to Find Discount ECigarettes

By Kenny Woodzaker

For those who ask 'Are electronic cigarette safe', the answer is yes and electronic cigarettes have several advantages over tobacco cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes come with liquid nicotine and for this reason it doesn't cause a lot of damage to your health. In addition, the electronic cigarettes are non-pollutant so it's safe to smoke these cigarettes in public places. People who use electronic cigarettes say that in general electronic cigarettes are safe and that these cigarettes do a better job of helping them quit tobacco cigarettes than other cessation products.

University articles that you can find in PDF files online are good sources of research for the electronics cigarette. The articles give the latest statistics on who is smoking the electronics cigarette and some of the reasons why people in a certain age group or social demographic smoke the electronics cigarette.

Now that you know what is electronic cigarette, here is how to use one. First you want to remove the inhaler from the atomizer and battery. The next step is to place a cigarette-filled cartridge into the inhaler then attach the inhaler to the atomizer, and attach the atomizer to the battery. After you do this you inhale the cigarette. You'll also need a special charger for the batteries since this what the electronic cigarettes operate on.

One smoker says she likes electronic cigarette smoking is because she can smoke indoors and not have to deal with the harsh tobacco smoke smells and tar smells. Her young son has asthma and she likes the fact that she can smoke electronic cigarettes without putting her son and others in the home at risk of exposure to secondhand smoke. Others who smoke these cigarettes said they like electronic cigarettes for this reason.

The first thing you should do is study the market for the ecigarette in your city to see if it's viable or not. Research the statistics of ecigarette smokers in your city by age group, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic background then develop your target audience based on your research. For example, if the majority of ecigarette smokers are upper-class business persons, you should target this group. Or if a large majority of residents in your city are into green living, this would be a good product to sell to them.

Sometimes gas station stores have sales on ecigarettes but this the exception rather than the norm because a majority of the cigarettes sold there are tobacco cigarettes.

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