Saturday, December 5, 2009

Settings Where a Laptop Projector Thrives

By Danny Powell

Why has the laptop LCD projector become so popular during the last few years, and who can stand to benefit from the use of one?

To get the best idea as to how a laptop projector works, you may remember your school days in the classroom with a teacher using overhead devices to teach lessons with. The images would then show up on a screen that came down from the ceiling. Nearly every school had this, but times are changing.

The new technology enabled by laptop projectors allows the direct view of a laptop screen to be transmitted in digital quality onto a screen or wall. This is a much more pleasant experience for anyone around one.

In the corporate world, the same thing is happening. Multimedia presentations through programs like Powerpoint, and rich media, all benefit from the use of a laptop projector.

There's a third setting where the laptop projector has taken hold. This is inside the home. Families across the country have built up their own home theaters, using laptop projection devices to watch movies and other entertainment with.

To understand why these are becoming so popular, you'll want to have a good knowledge as to how the technology with these devices works.

The picture quality is excellent when broadcast from a laptop projector, and should very well match the resolution of the laptop monitor itself. As far as the sound is concerned, a great set of speakers could give a room digital surround sound.

Back to the example of schools, these are perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the newest wave of technology. Imagine sitting in a class and discussing an issue, and then having the ability to see a related YouTube video or a news snippet from the web related to the story. This was by no means possible in the past.

As you can see, the laptop projector is here to stay. What was once a rigid technology in the overhead projector is now a rich means of learning and interactivity.

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